Tuesday, 1 March 2011

You can teach an old dog new tricks

There's nothing like being showed up by a bunch of 40+ year olds when it comes to Jive.

So there I was, going to my first Jive lesson with my mama (yes and what!) and I was preeeeety confident, I'm not a bad mover when it comes to the dance floor, all those women wanting to dance with me, pinching my arse kissing me on the cheek. Oh yes...I wish girls my age would do that more often and didn't have wrinkles.

So just as we were about to go in mum gives me an interesting fact and a secret of the jive, 'I feel sorry for the men, they have the hardest when it comes to Jive because they are the ones who lead.' I'VE NEVER LED! I just usually end up moving my feet. I am not a bad mover, but I am the youngest of 40+s and they are all thinking, great some young blood, but no now I have to lead...thanks for the confidence boost mum.

So first time in, it's free so I just waltzed over like Billy Big Bollocks Jnr (we call my dad billy big bollcoks cause he has the moooooney) and started talking to some people I knew and asked what it was about. AND THEN IT STARTS.

Nice and slow, beginner's class, and it's all going well, and I am sorry to say gentlemen I did not fall over once or falter so this isn't a funny story.
I am happy to say ladies I did not falter ;-) so don't worry about me stepping on your toes.

I actually had a lot of fun, and I went yesterday  and am really enjoying it. It's nice to just do something, relax, and not have to think about whats happening outside of the hall. I love to dance.

I love my mum for persuading me as well. Thanks mum :-) :-) xxx

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