Thursday, 17 February 2011

I Like Me A Rom-Com

When I tell people that one of my favourite genres of films is Rom-Coms, they look me up and down, and two things always happen.
  1. They laugh
  2. They say 'Really?'
And I am always curious as to why? I am curious as to why the label Rom-Com applied to women and 'gay men' (because supposedly if you are gay you MUST like rom-coms), and when it started?

Since I am neither, which I am sure my girlfriend would be sad about if I were either, then I am breaking some social law of not following the sheep and the cliche of sterotypical men.

I like rom-coms, I like romance, I even like the twilight series (only the books). One of my fondest memories is seeing a girl in my secondary catch me reading it and asking isn't that a book for girls, I said to her 'I dunno, I'll look', and looked for the small print on the book which said 'caution: Not for Boy's Eyes' or 'Girls Book Only.' After saying to her that I can see no symbol that this book is for girls, she just gave me a wierd look and walked away. The fact that she could not reply proves I won, and my intellect and understanding of life is even more than her's. But then again, this is secondary, they are still narrow minded and afraid of being themselves in fear of judgment.

But what people must remember is that books, writers and authors, write for ALL genders, never for one particular sex.

So please, do not be so narrow minded, open up to the world, and remember that we are all the same.

John Fischer Said:
The essence of our effort to see that every child has a chance, must be to assure each an equal oppportunity, not to become equal, but to become different - to realise whatever unique potential of body, mind and spirity he or she possesses.

So it's just something to think about.

Goodbye viewers, I am off to watch 'The Proposal' ;-)

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